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  1. Hans/Verdun & Elsie Korvemaker

    I have many fond memories of uncle Leenard (and Annie and Stanley) that go back to the Ladner farm where we often went for visits after immigrating to Canada from the Netherlands in 1966. Grateful for the spirit that radiated from his life because of the choices he made that were in line with the will of God.

  2. Shirley Wilson

    Thinking of you Maryanne & Calvin. A wonderful example of a life well lived.

  3. Linda Fisher

    Thankful for message shared: loudest message spoken – what they had lived – peace, comfort and Lendert Quist known for quiet strength as secure and settled with God. Didn’t know Len himself but came from Regina, SK where enjoyed friendship with Stan (son) and Cindy.

  4. Diane Gregg

    So many memories….but as we heard in the service, the quiet strength from within. I am so glad that Leonard and Annie were part of our Ladner “growing up” experience. Dependable and faithful, a quiet man who always had a smile, a twinkle in his eyes and a love for things that kept him and his family. He will be missed by many, thinking of you all.
    Hugs, Diane

  5. Magalie B

    It was a pleasure to meet Annie and Leonard Q in 1997 as he was a friend of Warren W. For many years we exchanged letters full of encouragement from Canada to Belgium and back. Their lives have made an impression on mine and will continue beyond their reaching home.

  6. Anne Freeburn

    My condolences to all the family. We sure enjoyed many times of fellowship with Leendert and Annie.
    They were a wonderful couple and always the great welcome they gave us. So glad for a wonderful faithful finish.

  7. Fam Jeckmans-Stenekes

    We wensen jullie allemaal heel veel sterkte vandaag met het definitieve afscheid van jullie vader en grootvader.
    Liefs van Tonnie Nora en Melvin

  8. Andrew Freeburn

    I remember going to Leonard and Annie’s house a few times in my youth. Was always such a warm and inviting home. They meant a lot to my family growing up. They were unchanging pillars in the kingdom. My loving condolences to the remaining family

  9. John and Barbara Mazereeuw

    John and Barbara Mazereeuw & family offer heartfelt condolences to Len’s family at the loss of their beloved Patriarch who also was a faithful friend to all who had the privilege of knowing him !
    We, having moved from the lower mainland , had only few visits with Len and Annie …… but those visits still remain so fresh in our memory .
    The family’s steadfastness , even though they never guessed we were watching them from afar , were a definite beacon to us in our search for God’s True Way ! We remain thankful to this day !

  10. Raymond and Laraine McGavigan

    Isaiah 61:11 comes to mind when I think of Len. What the Lord God planted in his heart sprang forth. He had every reason to have bitterness spring forth because of life’s experiences but all we saw was the fruit of the Spirit. It was an honour to know him.

  11. Rob n Elva Stapleton

    Leonard and Annie, We always think of them together!
    First met in Ladner then thru the years in Saskatchewan when they would visit Stan and Cindy and family. The inner glow they both had that radiated outward we love to feed upon… lovely memories others have shared also are inspiring us to reach the goal.
    Condolences with love to the family

  12. Marion Paseznak

    What a wonderful full life and a rewarding future for him now ; your touching loss is heavens gain. You will all miss him but have a wonderful life full of memories. Thinking about your family and sending heartfelt sympathy in your loss.

  13. Frank den Boer

    What a wonderful priviledge to have known firstly lenoards parents in Holland and meet in fellowship with them in the 70s. Later on visits to Vancouver, we were able to stay and visit with Len and Annie.
    Their Godly influence inspired us many a time. Later we were able to meet the further family which we enjoyed greatly.
    I will always cherish those wonderful visits….
    Thinking of you all at this time with your loss.
    love to you all from Monika and Frank den Boer. Adelaide Australia.

  14. Laura Kostenuk (Embree)

    When I think of my earliest memories of meetings, Annie and Lenard are there, Sundays and Wednesdays. As a child, you don’t realize til much later in life, the comfort it was to always know they’d be in meeting. I’d see them over the years at a Saskatchewan convention and I loved how they stayed the same! Unchanging. Unwavering. I felt the same comfort and cheerful spirit from them that I’d always known. Their steadfastness will continue to encourage me.

  15. Ann & Bram Denboer

    We have pleasant memories of times spent with Leendert and Annie enjoying their hospitality and speaking of early days in Holland where our parents met with them. The outstanding mark standing out to us was their faithfulness to God and like Ruth of old they not only loved God but loved His people and we were beneficiaries of that love shown to us over the years in letters and phone calls. Love to all the family Ann & Bram Denboer

  16. Keith Hagen

    Leonard & Annie were wonderful additions to our growing up years. They arrived in Canada from the Netherlands and arrived at our farm in Ladner and became a close part of our family. We lived, worked and fellowshipped together. Leonard would have thought I was more in the way than helpful but put up with me just the same. When Leonard and Annie moved to their own farm we still had lots of good times. As life progressed and some of us scattered we still cherish the times we’d see them. Five years back we moved to Kamloops near them and had the privilege again of fellowship and catching up. They will be missed but remembered. Warm thoughts and care to Janna, Maryanne and Stan and their families. Keith & Karen

  17. Lynne Petersen

    Leonard and Annie had a huge influence in my life. When life was hard and I wasn’t in the right spirit, they just loved me. When I needed help spiritually or just advice naturally, they were there. When I was unlovable, they were there. When there was victory, they celebrated with me. Leonard and Annie were pillars in my life and especially in the Kingdom. I am so grateful for their steadfastness and their care. Lynne Petersen

  18. G& D Gibson

    We cross paths with many in a lifetime, some being extraordinary. ‘Leonard’ was one of those.
    We reach out to the Quist family members with love and compassion, remembering a man who enriched those who were blessed to know him.
    Gladys and Doug Gibson.

  19. Brent & Donna, Talon & Jeff

    Love him & miss him! Memories of his faithfulness will encourage our hearts again & again. Thankful for sweet fellowship with Leendert & Annie in the past few years. Loving condolences to all the family.

  20. Lois Huckerby

    He leaves vivid memories of several visits. The first one : he did not hesitate to tell me I was investing too much on a vacuum that was being demonstrated in our home and in his presence. He did not mince his words or leave you wondering ? Thus, he lived his life ! One did not wonder what or where his values were. He was open and honest about what should come first. He was a delightful person to have had the privilege to know .

  21. Frieda Korvemaker

    Thinking of you all with the passing away of your dear father.Glad for the memories of a dear friend who had made himself ready to go Home.