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  1. Anita Shaw

    I have cherished my friendship with Kathy over many years and so many life changes. Her supportive nature has meant a great deal to me. Kathy is the most generous and kind spirit I’ve had the pleasure to know and I am grateful for the friends and family she has always shared whenever we reunited in the Bay Area. I think about her all the time and know she’s blissfully casting a fishing line somewhere in peace. She sure has made an amazing impact on so many.

  2. Maureen Cochran

    Kathy, I’m so sorry and heartbroken that you left this world too soon. I will never forget you as my dear friend, encourager, listener and always there for me. You were such a blessing to so many. Rest In Peace. Love, Maureen

  3. Jason Knowles

    Dating Kathy was akin to dating a saint. Few people with her brain power had the heart power to match. Kathy had both, in equal and substantial amounts. From sushi to grant writing, I learned so much from our time together. I always felt loved (and liked) by her and will always look back at our relationship through a lens of gratitude and fondness. A beautiful woman and soul who will be deeply missed by this world and greeted fondly in the next. May she rest In peace.

  4. Jeanne L. Matullo

    I have envied Kathy’s spirit and sense of adventure since high school, and far beyond. Rest In Peace, my dear friend.

  5. Moyara Ruehsen

    Kathy was my grad student many, many years ago at MIIS. She left such an impression – especially her kindness, sense of humor, and enthusiasm for making a positive difference in the world. I thoroughly enjoyed following her career and overseas adventures over the decades since then.

  6. David Montague

    One of the most significant things I did over my 27 year career with World Vision was hire Kathy into her first role with WVI there in Banda Aceh. She proved to be a consummate professional adding value to every situation she was part of over the next ten or so years. She loved people, she loved her work. And I know she loved me, and I loved her back. I am a better person for having shared life and work with Kathy. I suspect that there are many of us who can make that statement. RIP, Kathy D …..

  7. Tina Duong

    Kathy quite literally changed the trajectory of my life. She was there from the very beginning of my nonprofit career, and with me every step thereafter, guiding me, celebrating with me and kicking me in the behind when I needed it. But most importantly she was a dear friend. We enjoyed sushi, football, and travel. I am so grateful to have gotten a chance to go with her to New Zealand and visit Australia while she was living down under. I miss her terribly but thankful she is now at peace.